Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Solo Circuit


I'm definitely feeling better today! Yesterday I was sort of in a funk, but now I'm good to go (I think all my talk on motivation last night actually kicked in).

I took the pups for a short walk around the block today during my lunch. Brody is the golden retriever, my dog. Nomar is the pug, my parents dog. They are two extremely different dogs, but they love each other and are best friends. They snuggle and fight and just chill out all today together. The size difference makes me laugh. Nomar is 2, and Brody will be 1 on April 30th!

Speaking of lunch, I had a delicious sandwich today. Ground turkey, honey mustard and lettuce on whole wheat bread. With a few pear slices on the side.

Sounds a little funky, I was skeptical at first as well, but it is seriously delicious! You should totally give it a try, I usually have some tomato slices on it as well, but I ran out of tomato.

I have a nice little circuit workout planned for when I get home from work tonight. Yes circuit is spelled wrong, it was early and I was watching a one year old while writing the list, let me off the hook this one time ;). With my trainer, she has me warm up with a mile run and then the rest of my time is spent doing circuit workouts. Figured I would give it a try on my own!

It also says 20 alternating lunges x2, as well as 30 seconds of mountain climbers x3. Usually, on my days off from my trainer I just run, but I feel as though working this short circuit workouts will help out as well. Right now I just have 5lb weights at home so I'll have to deal with those for know, I've worked up to 15 & 20 lbs with Enza (aka I have to shop for some new weights soon!). My block is about a mile (a little less), so it should be a nice warm up to the circuit workout. I'm excited to try it out and do it on my own! I'll let you know how it all works out

Enjoy the rest of your day!


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