Friday, April 20, 2012

Feelin Good!

I feel great today! Had an amazing workout yesterday with my trainer and I'm back on the healthy eat plan!
Yesterday at the gym I ran a mile on the treadmill, did weights with my trainer and then sprinted another mile. I love workouts with my trainer, Enza, because it's always something new and they are constantly working different muscles.
It's truly amazing how healthy foods can change your whole life, your body and how you feel! It's more filling too! A simole chicken breast with rice a veggies fills me up way more than a big Mac could! It's food that my body will actually take in and use, not just spit back out!
Time for class!



  1. you have made me want to eat better and work out just from this post. I love the way I feel after I do both those things so I really don't know why I don't do it more. Maybe I need a trainer.

    1. It really is the best feeling ever! A trainer is totally worth it if it is within your budget, I love my trainer, she's always pushing me to go the distance which makes my workouts killer and fun!

  2. don't forget about water ;)

    1. Oh yes!I'm drinking water so much! All throughout the day!
