Monday, April 23, 2012

Pushing The Limits


Today was another rainy, cold day here in MA. The rain is much needed though, after all those dry warm days we have had!
I started my morning off with a great workout with Enza:

1 mile run on the treadmill
25 kettle ball swings x4
10 reps of push ups x4
10 reps of curl ups x3
12 reps of side lifts x2
3 reps high knees
3 reps butt kicks
6 reps bear crawls
2 minutes of rope.

I love working out in the morning, it gets me all ready to go for the day, and I feel great for the remainder of the day! It stunk getting out of my warm, cozy, bed on this rainy day... but it was totally worth it after the workout! I took my "before" pictures today, and they are making me even more determined than ever to really give this my all. When I look at these pictures they don't make me feel good, and this blog is about me feeling and looking good, so I have to push myself!

Some key reminders for me when I'm feeling down:
- It hurts, keep going, its my body changing. (not hurt as in putting my body in danger, just the "burn")
- Rome was NOT built in a day, results won't be seen in a day, or even a week
- It WILL pay off.

Phew, now that my little rant is over. But really, I feel as though taking my "before" pictures was such a motivator for me, I do not want to see my body stay like this, or get worse than this. I want to be able to live a healthy and happy life, look and feel confident when I get married( a ways down the road), and be able to be fit and fun for my family ( once again, a ways down the road). This truly is a lifestyle change, I need to remind myself that my body didn't get like this overnight, it was due to the lifestyle I was living. Now, with this change, my body will change too, just not overnight... hardwork, dedication, and commitment.

Salad beast that I had for lunch, can you believe I just tried broccoli for the first time two days ago?! 
Crazy I know, but now I'm on a broccoli kick, it's not even close to what I imagined it being! 
My salad consisted of romaine lettuce, carrots, broccoli, celery and grilled chicken. I had some balsamic dressing on the side but didn't even end up using it, it was delicious nice and dry! Accompanied with a nice big bottle of H2O.
This little gem I picked up at the store yesterday.
 The nutritional facts aren't all that amazing, but from a PB&Banana lover I could not pass this up. I tried it yesterday and it's good! A little sweet, so I can only have about a tablespoon or two for my serving (compared to the 1/2 cup recommended serving size). It is delicious, and I love my froyo, but after seeing my "before" pictures, I have a feeling this little pint will last me a while, and be a very rare occasion treat. 

My Goals for the week
- Run at least 5 miles
- Get my mile time down
- Stay on track with meal plan
- Lose lbs @ weigh in with Enza (make up for a semi-bad week last week)

Try anything new lately? Set any new goals?


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