Saturday, April 28, 2012

Days Go By


It's been another crazy few days over here, sorry for not posting! Here's a recap:


Ran my 2 miles! I finished in about 22 minutes, which is fine by me! It was my first time, in probably forever running two miles straight, so I was very happy with myself. I felt so good afterwards!
Happy Girl after my run!
After that I had a delicious bowl of Oatmeal with apples & walnuts. It is the best creation ever, as I've stated before. I think I could live off of it. SO good.
1 serving Oats
1 tbsp Chia Seeds
5 walnuts, crushed.
Half and apple, diced

Then I was a lazy girl who napped my day away until work later that evening. My nap was definitely needed, as I went on a nice 5 mile, hilly, windy, bike ride! I hadn't road a bike in a while, so it was fun to get on one and go for a nice ride, I'll have to try to fit it into my routine more often! After my bike ride I enjoyed a nice batch of plain organic yogurt, chia seeds, flax seeds, blueberries, and strawberries.
Tangy, Crunchy & Sweet!
Saturday (today):

Woke up early and went to training and.......
I ran a 5k! YIPPEE! I'm so proud of myself, my time wasn't great and I'm definitely not happy with it (44:00). But I'm so happy that I could just accomplish a 5k, I ran the whole time and didn't stop. My time may have something to do with doing it on a treadmill, I always seem to run a bit faster outside. It was so motivational and definitely a mood booster to show that I can really do whatever I set my mind too! Also, I have plenty of time to cut my time down. I'm running in an actual run, The Color Run at the end of July, so I have about 3 months to improve. 
I got a nice little cut on my toe during my run too. Not a blister, just a toenail that attacked my toe :(.
My battle wound. Is it bad I'm kind of proud of it?!

Also, I'm down 2 more lbs! Go me! As much as I like seeing my weight go down, I'm much more happy about my body fat % going down, and just seeing and feeling the change in my body. The weight loss is just a plus, I'm just so happy to see my body transforming into a healthy, fit body.

I also bought some strawberry seeds today and planted them, I'll keep you updated with my adventure with planting!

Well, that's how my past few days have been! How have you been?

- Elizabeth

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Kicking It Up a Notch!

Good morning!

Last night was a sad, sad, night in Boston. Guess it just wasn't their year this year. It was an intense game though, definitely how playoff games should be played! But, great season and better luck next year boys!

This morning I had my workout with Enza. It was a great, sweaty, booty kickin' workout for sure! I ran my normal mile, then did some major leg and ab workouts! She had me doing everything, stability ball, planks, push ups, resistance bands, the whole shebang! I still can't get over how good I feel after these workouts, I love it! I'm going to rest tonight and not do any circuit since I had my workout this morning, but I will probably still take Brody for a nice walk later this afternoon.

Speaking of my trainer, Enza wants me to run 2 miles tomorrow! I know, it's not much, and I can totally do it, I'm just totally freaking myself out! I think I'm going to go the route around the pond in my neighborhood. It's nice, scenic, somewhat private and I think is about 2.02 miles from my house and back. I just need to stay calm and pace myself. Wish me luck!

I've been on a salad kick lately, I had this beast of a salad for lunch yesterday.
It was delicious! It had; romaine lettuce, carrots, broccoli, a few almonds, and lemon basil chicken. It was so good, juts the right bit of everything! I ate this dry again, its strange, I use to have to ALWAYS have dressing, and now the  flavor of the vegetables and chicken just taste great to me plain! 

- Elizabeth

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Smoothies, Circuits & Bruins

Sorry for the late post!

I've been non stop all day; class, work, dinner, working out, homework! I finally have time to breathe!

Update on my circuit training last night:
It went really well, and I felt great afterwards too! I ended up running only a mile around my block since it was getting dark out. Afterwards I did the circuits and I worked up a nice little sweat! The weights were easy, sort of felt like I wasn't holding anything since I have 5 lb weights and I'm use to 15/20 lb weights now. After my workout last night I enjoyed a nice little treat.
Big, delicious strawberries with a few Cracklin' Oat cereal pieces on the side
A Peanut Butter & Banana Smoothie! Heaven!

In my smoothie I had
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 tbsp peanut butter
1/2 a banana
1/3 cup yogurt
1/2 cup almond milk
It came out nice and thick, just the way I like my smoothies! I can't stand thin, watery smoothies... it's just not right!

As for today, I did another round of circuit workouts. This time I focused more on arms & abs.

Walked Brody for 1 mile ( my ankle was feeling kind of funny, and I didn't want to mess it up and not be able to go 100% with Enza tomorrow)
20 bicep curls x3
20 tricep dips x3
20 side lifts x3
30 second plank x3
30 second bicycle sit ups x3
20 hip thrusters x3
30 seconds mountain climbers
10 reverse sit ups x3

This circuit worked out nicely! I definitely feel it in my abs and arms! I think circuits have worked their way into my at home workouts for good.

I have to go be a good Boston sports fan now and go cheer on the Bruins in game 7! Keeping my fingers crossed that they get it done! Lets go B's!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Solo Circuit


I'm definitely feeling better today! Yesterday I was sort of in a funk, but now I'm good to go (I think all my talk on motivation last night actually kicked in).

I took the pups for a short walk around the block today during my lunch. Brody is the golden retriever, my dog. Nomar is the pug, my parents dog. They are two extremely different dogs, but they love each other and are best friends. They snuggle and fight and just chill out all today together. The size difference makes me laugh. Nomar is 2, and Brody will be 1 on April 30th!

Speaking of lunch, I had a delicious sandwich today. Ground turkey, honey mustard and lettuce on whole wheat bread. With a few pear slices on the side.

Sounds a little funky, I was skeptical at first as well, but it is seriously delicious! You should totally give it a try, I usually have some tomato slices on it as well, but I ran out of tomato.

I have a nice little circuit workout planned for when I get home from work tonight. Yes circuit is spelled wrong, it was early and I was watching a one year old while writing the list, let me off the hook this one time ;). With my trainer, she has me warm up with a mile run and then the rest of my time is spent doing circuit workouts. Figured I would give it a try on my own!

It also says 20 alternating lunges x2, as well as 30 seconds of mountain climbers x3. Usually, on my days off from my trainer I just run, but I feel as though working this short circuit workouts will help out as well. Right now I just have 5lb weights at home so I'll have to deal with those for know, I've worked up to 15 & 20 lbs with Enza (aka I have to shop for some new weights soon!). My block is about a mile (a little less), so it should be a nice warm up to the circuit workout. I'm excited to try it out and do it on my own! I'll let you know how it all works out

Enjoy the rest of your day!


Monday, April 23, 2012

A Little Lift Me Up!

Woohoo, go me! Coming from a girl who use to never run, this makes me so happy! Motivation, Motivation, Motivation.

Pushing The Limits


Today was another rainy, cold day here in MA. The rain is much needed though, after all those dry warm days we have had!
I started my morning off with a great workout with Enza:

1 mile run on the treadmill
25 kettle ball swings x4
10 reps of push ups x4
10 reps of curl ups x3
12 reps of side lifts x2
3 reps high knees
3 reps butt kicks
6 reps bear crawls
2 minutes of rope.

I love working out in the morning, it gets me all ready to go for the day, and I feel great for the remainder of the day! It stunk getting out of my warm, cozy, bed on this rainy day... but it was totally worth it after the workout! I took my "before" pictures today, and they are making me even more determined than ever to really give this my all. When I look at these pictures they don't make me feel good, and this blog is about me feeling and looking good, so I have to push myself!

Some key reminders for me when I'm feeling down:
- It hurts, keep going, its my body changing. (not hurt as in putting my body in danger, just the "burn")
- Rome was NOT built in a day, results won't be seen in a day, or even a week
- It WILL pay off.

Phew, now that my little rant is over. But really, I feel as though taking my "before" pictures was such a motivator for me, I do not want to see my body stay like this, or get worse than this. I want to be able to live a healthy and happy life, look and feel confident when I get married( a ways down the road), and be able to be fit and fun for my family ( once again, a ways down the road). This truly is a lifestyle change, I need to remind myself that my body didn't get like this overnight, it was due to the lifestyle I was living. Now, with this change, my body will change too, just not overnight... hardwork, dedication, and commitment.

Salad beast that I had for lunch, can you believe I just tried broccoli for the first time two days ago?! 
Crazy I know, but now I'm on a broccoli kick, it's not even close to what I imagined it being! 
My salad consisted of romaine lettuce, carrots, broccoli, celery and grilled chicken. I had some balsamic dressing on the side but didn't even end up using it, it was delicious nice and dry! Accompanied with a nice big bottle of H2O.
This little gem I picked up at the store yesterday.
 The nutritional facts aren't all that amazing, but from a PB&Banana lover I could not pass this up. I tried it yesterday and it's good! A little sweet, so I can only have about a tablespoon or two for my serving (compared to the 1/2 cup recommended serving size). It is delicious, and I love my froyo, but after seeing my "before" pictures, I have a feeling this little pint will last me a while, and be a very rare occasion treat. 

My Goals for the week
- Run at least 5 miles
- Get my mile time down
- Stay on track with meal plan
- Lose lbs @ weigh in with Enza (make up for a semi-bad week last week)

Try anything new lately? Set any new goals?


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Up and at 'em!

Happy Sunday & Happy Earth Day!

I got to sleep in this morning until 9, it felt like heaven, I haven't sleep in for so long! I took a nice mile run down by the beach today. I finished in about 12:48, which is pretty good I think, considering I stopped to walk and enjoy the scenery for a bit and had to stop again to mix my hair that was falling out! I think since it was a little chillier this morning I just wanted to get back into the warmth of my house!

Nothing like a gloomy, misty, foggy, Sunday morning run!
Can't forget to take the scenic self shot!
I really do love living right on the ocean. It's so peaceful, and very convenient, and is a nice picture to look at as I run! I could never not live on the water, a few of my friends from college have to drive 2 hrs+ to get to the closest beach and it blows my mind! Now, I know people have farther drives, and some people have never even seen the ocean... but just growing up around the ocean my whole life, it is something I could never live without! So, if you haven't seen the ocean, get to it ASAP! 
For breakfast I had oatmeal with cinnamon, walnuts and diced apples. It was delicious, like a warm apple pie right in my mouth! Definitely what I needed on this dreary morning!

Enjoy your day, and do something good for the earth!


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Going the distance


These past few days have been gorgeous! I've been soaking up every little bit of sun possible ( with SPF of course, my fair Irish skin does not do well in the sun).

Yesterday I got in a nice 4 mile run/power walk. I alternated between the two because I had never ran that far outside before and wanted to be able to finish the whole thing. I wasn't in a rush and didn't set any goals for myself and I finished in about 50 minutes, which is fine with me! Everyone has to start somewhere, right?!

As for today, I had a killer workout with Enza (my trainer). I did intervals between the treadmill and Jacobs Ladder.
1/2 mile on the treadmill
300 feet on Jacobs Ladder
1/2 mile on the treadmill
200 feet on Jacobs Ladder
1/2 mile on the treadmill
100 feet on Jacobs Ladder
1/2 mile on the treadmill.
Total = 2 miles on the treadmill & climbed 600 ft on Jacobs Ladder.

After that we did a few weights and then I was on my way to enjoy this beautiful day!

If anyone of you are unaware of what Jacobs Ladder is, it looks like this:

It's been used on The Biggest Loser and seriously makes you sweat, it looks easy, but once you start going its a great workout! You adjust the line to your height, then adjust the belt around your waist and just start climbing, the higher you step the faster it goes, and the lower you step the slower it goes. To stop you just coast to the bottom.

I've been working out with my trainer for about a month now ( 3 days a week, and I try to fit a run in on my off days, but recently started to up my anty) and have been on my "meal plan" aka eating healthier for about 2 weeks.
So far I'm down 3.2 lbs
Lost 1/4 in from my chest
Lost 1/4 inch from my arms
Lost 2 inches from my waist!!

I hope you all have a fantastic day!


Friday, April 20, 2012

Feelin Good!

I feel great today! Had an amazing workout yesterday with my trainer and I'm back on the healthy eat plan!
Yesterday at the gym I ran a mile on the treadmill, did weights with my trainer and then sprinted another mile. I love workouts with my trainer, Enza, because it's always something new and they are constantly working different muscles.
It's truly amazing how healthy foods can change your whole life, your body and how you feel! It's more filling too! A simole chicken breast with rice a veggies fills me up way more than a big Mac could! It's food that my body will actually take in and use, not just spit back out!
Time for class!


Thursday, April 19, 2012



First off, let me introduce myself! I'm Elizabeth, a twenty something year old who lives North of Boston, MA. I just recently started to get into living a healthier life. I want to respect and nourish my body, take in everything that surrounds me and just enjoy life!
At the moment, I'm at a point in my life were I'm trying to lose weight, so mostly I will be posting workouts, meals, and motivation! I'm taking my body back!
I also LOVE to read, bake and play with my Golden Retriever so expect to hear lots about those as well!

- Elizabeth